Articles of various difficulties, which relate mostly to basics of x86 architectures.
From time to time, speculations about portable assembler (what is a contradiction itself) araise. As an assembly programmer, I couldn't avoid these weird speculations. The similarity between x86-32 and x64 simply can't be overlooked and itself leads to finding some conjunctive syntax, here called Portable x86 Flat Syntax (PFS).
I see many people get confused at fixed point and believe it's some kind of "hack" because they think floating point are "real" numbers. Real numbers are abstract mathematical representation – computers are not abstract, they do not employ normal mathematics (for example, infinite numbers). It only tries to "emulate" the abstract math (bits being volts, holes, magnetic charges, etc). People who use floating point to represent fractional parts definitely don't know what float is.
Nowadays the goal of a new CPU is not to give you the highest clock rates, not even the highest performance (while it's still a big part of it), but to give you the best performance-per-watt number. While specific instructions are introduced, the course is to perform best in every possible application. May it be for office work, scientific, educational or gaming.
"Big number" arithmetics requires special care on x86 architecture. You need to use some properties of arithmetic instructions, which are not immediately apparent.
I'm always surprised by how few asmers use probably the best source of information available – official processor manuals, either Intel's or AMD's. That's why this article was written. It should guide you step by step through complexity of Intel manuals, describing x86-64 architecture in the process.